Compile on Linux en fr 

At first

Please discuss with us. We can share the effort to make new features and your work will fulfill Rolisteam needs and goals. Please take a look at our roadmap

Get Source code

The way to get source code changes given your objectives.

Compile a released version:

To get the source, just download the zip archive Appropriate when compiling for your own computer.

Compile from source repository

The way allows you to change Rolisteam and to share your changes easily. In this case, you will need to clone the rolisteam repository from git. More details on this page: Contribute.

Please, pay attention that Rolisteam repository is using git submodules, and master branch contains many improvements which are not listed in any documentation yet.


Rolisteam required two things: Qt5 and zlib. zlib is a library to deal with compressed files. Many softwares use it. The version from your distribution should do the job. Qt5 is another story.

Getting Qt from Distribution packages

The first thing is to install Qt (v5.12 or higher). If your linux distribution is recent, you may install Qt from your distribution package system.

On debian/ubuntu system:

sudo apt-get install qt5-default qtbase5-dev-tools qt5-qmake libqt5network5 zlib1g-dev build-essential git qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 qttools5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-dev qtwebengine5-dev

Getting Qt from Qt Installer

However, if the version is too old or if you need a recent Qt version, you should install Qt from Qt Installer. Get Community version of Qt: At the Qt installation, please select Qt package compatible with your compiler.


Rolisteam is in fact several projects and softwares. In the following chapter, you will find explanations about how to build them.


Let say Rolisteam source code is in:  /home/user/documents/program/rolisteam

cd /home/user/documents/program/rolisteam
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -r ../
make -j4
sudo make install

These lines will build Rolisteam and Roliserver.


It is basically the same thing.

cd /home/user/documents/program/rcse
mkdir build
cd build
qmake -r ../
make -j4
sudo make install


  • This will be useful if you plan on a setting up a dedicated roliserver.
  • The following code is compatible with the latest versions of Debian and Raspian.
  • We assume you’ve followed the docs on getting the source code past this point.
# Install dependencies - less dependencies than the whole software.
sudo apt-get install qt5-qmake libqt5network5 libqt5core5a

# Create a build directory:
mkdir server/build
cd server/build

# Build:
qmake -r ../
sudo make install

For information on how to run the server checkout the documentation

Compilation in Debug

Sometimes, it is important to know what is happening into the program. You may want to compile in the debug mode. The qmake command must be amend a bit to enable debugging.

qmake -r ../ CONFIG+=debug

[Advanced] Disable Features

Rolisteam has many features and some of them required dependencies or special tools. In order to make rolisteam easier to compile, you can disable some features. These 4 features can be switched off:

############## FEATURES ######################
############## END OF FEATURES ######################

It makes Rolisteam easier to compile. If you disabled HAVE_WEBVIEW, you must disable HAVE_PDF as well.


Rolisteam needs zlib to save its notes editor as OpenDocument (.odt) In an extreme case, remove the need of Zlib . Edit rolisteam/client/ and comment out:



Rolisteam comes with audio players. These player required QtMultimedia module and its backend.

Edit rolisteam/client/ and comment out:



Rolisteam (since 1.9) embedded a web browser. This feature requires QtWebEngine which is a very heavy module (~80Mo). Webview is also used for viewing pdf, in order to compile rolisteam without webview, you must also disable the PDF feature. Edit rolisteam/client/ and comment out:



Rolisteam (since 1.9) can display PDF. If you don’t want this feature: Edit rolisteam/client/ and comment out:


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have further questions, please contact us

1- Error on Translations in resources file.

Output: RCC: Error in ‘rolisteam.qrc’: Cannot find file ‘translation/rolisteam_xx.qm’

rolisteam.qrc is rolisteam resource file. In order to be built, all resources must exist at the compilation. Translation are generated from .ts files to .qm files. Qt provides lrelease tool to convert ts to qm

Run this command, to generate all qm files.

lrelease translation/rolisteam_*.ts

Then rebuild.

More information

2- Some files are not found by the compiler

Perhaps, you forgot the –recursive parameter when getting the source code.

Get Involved in Rolisteam

Please discuss with us. We can share the effort to make new features and your work will fulfill Rolisteam needs and goals.
Please take a look at our roadmap